Under construction!
Under construction!
… It was rather calm in this Blog in the past year. I was quite busy but now new content is on the way! I finished some big projects this year. This means more time for (my independent) research, music, live and website.
And after all the Website is still under construction. But I think this might be an “living website” – which means, there will be no end. Just a process, like the life itself. This website is changing from year to year since … I think around 14 years now. I started in the 90s with an idea of an music platform, where people can unload their songs. The former domain name musikerchannel was born. It was not the best name. myspace was a better name for an brand. It started 2003. I was to slow. Then I used this website as an private space for myself. Sometimes I reset the content. Start from a new point, change the concept, the idea and delete outdated versions of it – maybe also of myself.
The last time I started to write more content in english (or at least in my version of this language ;-)).
Now I am focussing more on presenting content.
Which content? My research work, my music, my photography, stories and other ideas. I will try to reduce the talking and focus on content. My research are will be a more active diary of my ideas and work. Maybe I will combine some things like youtube or sound cloud for the media content. We will see!