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The idea of this project is to use a series of defined questions and answers and a collection of publications to convey targeted characteristics of my ‘personality’ to an LLM model and to imitate them. This basic idea is in no way new or innovative. What I am trying to do here, however, is to define a very specific selection of questions that allow a model to be enriched using retrieval augmented generation or comparable approaches and to imitate my answers. My publications should also serve as a data basis.

It still seemed quite easy at school. Kids liked to ask about their favourite colour, favourite band or favourite film in the school playground. The supposed world of choice was smaller. Basic instincts influenced decisions more than complex chains of thought. But what determines decision-making in older people? And can the mapping of such processes be avoided by recording and then emulating their results, such as answers to a defined number of questions?

Task 1: Prototype

Drafting first concept and use standard LLM tools with draft of questions / answers.

Task 2: Questions

Definition of questions on aspects that are considered markers for characteristics and personality traits in psychology.

Task 3: Answer

Repeated description of detailed answers with a description of the motives and also a justification if the perspective changed after multiple answers.

Task 4: Injection

Split the data set: enter one part in the LLM, use the second part as a reference for evaluation.

Expected Duration

2 - 4 weeks

Project status

  • Task 1: Prototype
  • Task 2: Questions
  • Task 3: Answer
  • Task 4: Injection
Status Funding Data Code Results
Ongoing Internal Not public yet Not public yet Ongoing


06.06.2024: First test delivers results. Literature analysis necessary to define the questions and the exact method (RAG and alternatives). Can standardised personality tests be useful here? These three examples are mentioned in literature and might be worth considering:

  1. The Big Five Personality Traits (Five-Factor Model): This model assesses five major dimensions of personality: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. Each dimension is evaluated through a series of questions aimed at self-assessment.

  2. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): This test categorizes individuals into 16 different personality types based on four bipolar dimensions: Introversion vs. Extraversion, Intuition vs. Sensing, Thinking vs. Feeling, and Judging vs. Perceiving. The questions are designed to determine preferences in the way individuals perceive their environment and make decisions.

  3. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI): This comprehensive test is designed to create psychopathological profiles. It consists of a broad array of questions intended to identify a wide range of psychological disorders and personality traits. --> Quite old - still relevant?

